What We Do

What We Do

BC Global will primarily focus on seven Programs thematic areas mentioned below:

1. Relief for refugees, IDPs and asylum seekers
Provision of:
• Food Items:
Flour, beans, cooking oil, sugar, salt etc.
• Non-food:
Clothing, shoes, blankets, bed sheets, mosquito nets: shelter tents, flashlights, and batteries, washing

2. Livelihoods, Agriculture, and farming

• Improve equitable and sustainable livelihoods for smallholder farmers in Jebel Lado Payam and refugee’s camps in Northern Uganda with a particular focus on the empowerment of women and young men.
• Support smallholder farmers with microloans to improve food security.
• Empower and resilient agricultural producers capable of adapting to climate change and supplying products of high quality and in quality to access formal markets.
• Formation and training of community-based farmer on extension agricultural training that involved agricultural mechanization engineering, group management, record keeping and meeting management. These groups shall target women, youth and the engendered groups with a mix of all males, female across age, ability and status.
• Training of refugee and host community farmers on good agricultural practices and climate smart agriculture and livestock farm management. This is intended to maximize output quality and reduce on input wastage and ensure operation on optimal capacity.

3. Health, nutrition and behavioral change

• Promote and facilitate maternal health through sensitizations, linkages and support to manage mothers in labor.
• Disseminate public health education through the use of different media and languages for improved health seeking behavior.
• Promote and facilitate voluntary HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and other sexually transmitted Infections.
• Construct, equip and operationalize trauma centers to rehabilitate trauma victims in the refugee population and host communities.
• Organize sensitization meetings through radio talk-shows, face to face meetings and forum plays on trauma healing methods.
• Organize dialogues on dangers of drug, substance abuse, drug substance business, its effects and document the discussions for future sharing.
• Promote use of community-led health initiative for increased latrine use in the refugee settlements and host communities to achieve reduction in open defecation.

4. Education

• Provision of scholastic materials for the pupils and teaching aids to the teachers to enhance learning for improved numeracy and reading thus achieving increased literate rate among refugee children and students in the settlements and host community schools.
• Provide sanitary kits and towels for girl child enrolled in schools in the settlements and host community schools to increase enrolment and retention and education cycle completion.
• Construction of makeshift and permanent classrooms and latrines in schools to create a better learning environment in the schools.
• Lobby for provision of furniture for pupils and teachers in primary and secondary schools in the settlements and selected host community schools. .

5. Peace building

• Carry out sensitization meetings on land use and peaceful coexistence for sustainable production.
• Recruit and train community and settlement-based peace ambassadors to carry out routine peace building messages.
• Establish local community-based radio powered with battery to amplify story telling by refugees and host communities’ messages.
• Initiate and facilitate peace promotion meetings among refugees, host communities, local governments and service providers.
• Form and facilitate inclusive school level peace clubs to organize school plays, peace messages during activities in the schools..

6. Water and sanitation

• Carry out periodic water and sanitation surveys for up-to-date data for intervention measures.
• Clean water, sanitation & hygiene promotion.
• Create awareness in the settlements, rural and urban host communities on good health and hygiene practices to ensure healthy and good public health in the community.
• Advocate and lobby for safe water sources and clean water use for human use and other domestic chores.
• Organize and participate in the organization of world water day

7. Organizational development

BC Global organizational development is the process that helps organization build their capacity to greater effectiveness by developing, improving, and reinforcing strategies, structures, and processes.
1. Recruit and retain skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced staff and volunteers
2. Establish and equip offices in the refugee and hosting communities and settlements.
3. Procure, manage office equipment, and dispose-off assets unutilized and with high running costs
4. Maintain website and internet
5. Facilitate resource mobilization and consortium building
6. Conduct regular reviews of policies, work plans and budgets, and frameworks
7. Facilitate Board, partnership, and coordination meetings
8. Conduct annual audit

BC Global is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and our Tax ID is: 61-1950836. Donations will be tax deductible and may be disclosed to the IRS.

If you prefer to make a donation by check, it should be made payable to:

BC Global
670 W. San Jose Ave.#27
Claremont, CA 91711 USA
For additional information please contact us via

If you are paying a recurring donation, you will receive an acknowledgement of the cumulative value of the year's donations in a mailed letter at the beginning of the following fiscal year.

To Know More About BC Global